Book is written in easy English language. It is useful for degree and diploma students of Civil Engineering and those working in this field.
PART 1: DURABILITY AND DETERIORATION: Physical Cause* Corrosion* PART 2: DAMAGE ASSESSMENT: Destructive Testing Systems* Non-Destructive Testing Systems* Semi-Detructive Testiing Systems* PART 3: REPAIR MATERIALS: Selection and Evaluation of Repair Materials* Fuction of Repair Materials* Special Repair Materials* PART 4: REPAIR ND REHABILATION: Repair of Cracks* Rehabilitation Techniques* Strengthening Techniques* PART 5: MAINTENANCE AND DEMOLITION: Maintence Classification And Process* Maintenance Procedurte* Safety In Maintenance And Demolition* Index.
A textbook for all Engineering Branches, Competitive Examination, ICS, and AMIE Examinations
Publisher: Standard Publisher Distributors
Dr. B. vidivelli
Edition: First Edition/ Reprint: 2015
ISBN: 8180141101
Page No.:348
Binding: Paperback
Price: र295
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