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In the subsequent editions of this book, since first edition published in until now, the author enhanced the text by adding useful matter, fresh topic such as column formulae for axial stress in compression, design of built-up and perforated cover plate columns, modified and adjusted interaction formulas, equivalent axial load method of design of eccentrically loaded columns, approximate method of design of combined footing, graphical method of curtailment of flange plates, corrugated aluminium sheets used for roof covering and several examples. The author also added further text of design of high strength friction grip bolts. The eleventh edition of the book itself is a fourth edition in S.I. system of units (viz., system international d’ unites) and revised, rewritten and updated as per the latest code (viz., ‘Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel. IS : 800–1984) incorporating the revision of permissible stresses, effective length of the columns with idealized support conditions and columns in framed structures and Merchant Rankine formula for the allowable stresses. The concept of shear lag, design of semi-rigid connections, their behavior (linear and nonlinear) and methods of analysis have also been included. The abbreviated symbols for Rolled Steel Sections as recommended in IS: 808–1989 have been used throughout the text of the book. Various definitions relating to the new and rational concept of Wind-Load as per IS: 875 (Part III)–1987 have been given in Chapter 2. Accordingly Chapter 9 (viz. Design of Roof Trusses) has been completely revised and determination of wind load has been thoroughly described and illustrated. Author expresses his sincere thanks to his colleagues, members of staff in various engineering colleges and students for appreciating the efforts made by them. Author shall welcome the suggestions from the readers for the further improvement of the book in forthcoming editions.
August 2013 Dr. Ram Chandra


  • Each topic introduced is thoroughly described.
  • This book is completely written in SI system of units.
  • The text of this subject has been introduced, presented and described in a sequence most naturally desired and appealed to the students.
  • A number of design examples have been given in each chapter to illustrate the theory and practice unsolved design problems have also been given in each chapter.
  • The diagrams illustrates distinctly the detailing of connections.
  •  This book follows current design practice.

A textbook for all Engineering Branches, Competitive Examination, ICS, and AMIE Examinations In S.I. Units Also For Degree, Diploma and A.I.M.E. (India) Students and Practicing Civil Engineers.

Dr. Ram Chandra
B.E., M.E. (Hons.), M.I.E., Ph.D. (Roorkee)
Professor and Head
Department of Structural Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
M.B.M. Engineering College
University of Jodhpur, Jodhpur

PAGES: 913+24
EDITION: 19th,Year-2020
SIZE: L23.9 B-15.9 H-3.3

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Design of Steel Structures Vol. I (IS 800 1984)

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