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The book An Introduction to VLSI Technology contains only nine chapters with comprehensive material, discussed in a very systematic, elaborate and lucid manner. The authors of this book have made sincere efforts in bringing the book very up to date.It will prove to be good text book for B.E./B.Tech students of all the engineering colleges in India as well as well as for the Researchers in the field of Electronics. It will also cater to the needs of the students of M.Sc. (Physics specialization in Electronics),M. Tech (Electronics) etc.The objective of this book is to enable students to understand basics of VLSI technology, latest technology for the fabrication of IC. The discussion on the subject inadequate and after going through the book the students will not only have the fundamental view of the subject but also will have the overall knowledge.The book has been divided into nine self contained chapters. Beginning with Crystal Growth and Wafer Preparation, a good back ground on the topic has been made in the first chapter. Thermal Oxidation has been discussed at length in the second chapter.Diffusion and Ion Implantation process have been discussed in next two chapters (third and fourth) with adequate details. The fifth chapter deals with Lithography technique.Complete theoretical and experimental aspects of Epitaph, Reactive and wet etc hing and thin film technology have been discussed in Sixth, Seventh, eighth and ninth chapters respectively.Thanks are due to Prof. Narender Nath, Former Prof. and Head, Department of Physics, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra for the healthy discussions and guidance in writing this book.Dr. Chander Shekhar, Director, Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute(CEERI), Pilani (Rajasthan), deserves special thank for his constant and critical discus-sions on some topics.One of the authors Dr. D. K. Kaushik is thankful to Dr. Vinod Tibrawala, Hon’bleChancellor, JJT University, Chudela, Jhunjhunu (Rajasthan) for his constant encouragement and blessings. Finally, the author wishes to thank the proprietors of M/S Rajsons Pvt. Limited,New Delhi for bringing out this fist edition of the book in a very short time.Any constructive comments, suggestions and criticism from the readers will be highly appreciated.
Dr. G. S. Virdi
Dr. D. K. Kaushik

A textbook for all Engineering Branches, Competitive Examination, ICS, and AMIE Examinations In S.I. Units Also For Degree, Diploma and A.I.M.E. (India) Students and Practicing Civil Engineers.

Dr. G. S. Virdi
Director, GGS College of Modern Technology,
Kharar (Punjab)
Formerly Deputy Director (Microelectronics Division)
Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute,
Pilani (Rajasthan) India
Dr. D. K. Kaushik
Vice-Chancellor, J. J. T. University,
Chudela (Jhunjhunu) Rajasthan India
Formerly Principal, Manohar Memorial (P.G.) College,
Fatehabad (Haryana) India

ISBN: 978-81-89401-49-8
PAGES: 152 + 8
EDITION: 2nd, Year-2016
SIZE: L-23.9 B-15.8 H-0.6

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An Introduction to VLSI Technology

SKU: ISBN - 9788189401498
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